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Sensory Warm Up

Step 1: Test a few ranges of motion*

I've provided this section so that:
  • I can show you a simple and effective warm-up
  • You can see for yourself how the body adapts very quickly. 
  • You can see how much sensation (input) affects movement (output).

* Do not move into pain. If any of these ranges of motion cause pain, test how far you get without experiencing pain. If you have any doubts about your ability to perform a movement, be safe and consult a professional first.

Forward Fold​
  • Can test with either knees locked, or allowing knees to bend how much they naturally want to.

Shoulder Internal Rotation
  • Don't Let the shoulder blade shrug up as you make the motion

Torso Rotation
  • Keep balls of feet on ground as you rotate.

  • Make "finger pistols" so hands don't slide forward of one another.

Shoulder Abduction
  • Arc your arm out to the side and up over your head.

  • Let hand come slightly forward of being parallel to your body (this lines your arm more with the angle of your shoulder socket).

Shoulder External Rotation
  • Don't arch your back as you make the motion

Step 2: Follow Along with the Video
Step 3: Re-test your ranges of motion. Did they get better or did they get worse? Most people will experience positive changes from the sensory warm-up, but everyone is different. The point is, change can happen very rapidly from just adding sensory input to the brain. If you want to get really specific, you can test your body's reaction to any part of the warm up and see how you respond.
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